Series 5: The True Impact of the Pandemic: Lessons Learned for Next Time (Subscription Content)
In this second part of our Covid discussion, we shift the conversation to broader societal issues that we all faced through the pandemic. How did the infection and our responses to it truly impact us? How did public perception of the way our government and medical establishments handled Covid change over time? Why do more people question the pharmaceutical industry now? What lessons can we take home so we are better prepared for the next pandemic (and response)? Were we affected mentally and physically in ways we don't yet realize, and what can we do to find better health? Melissa and Dr. Bob tackle these tough questions and more in this upcoming Series 5.
1. The True Impact of the Pandemic
2. How Has Public Perception of COVID Policies Shifted?
3. Lessons Learned So We Can Face the Next Pandemic the Right Way
4. Did the Pandemic Cause More People To Question All Childhood Vaccines?
5. The Mental and Physical Toll of Lockdowns, Masks, and Loss of Freedom

Part 1 - The True Impact of the Pandemic- Lessons Learned for Next Time

Part 2 - How Has the Public Perception of Covid Policies Shifted Given What We Know Today-

Part 3 - Lessons Learned So We Can Face the Next Pandemic the Right Way

Part 4 - Did the Pandemic Cause More People To Question All Childhood Vaccines-