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Series 2:
Melissa and Dr. Bob discuss all 16 diseases we vaccinate against, how common they are, how severe each one is, and Dr. Bob's experience seeing and treating these over the years. Then they compare the disease data with the risks of each vaccine, including ingredients, sided effects, and reports of vaccine injury. Subscribers will enjoy a thorough look at the pros and cons of each vaccine/disease pair in this three-hour premium series.
Introducing Vaccines Vs Disease
Hepatitis B
Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis
Haemophilus Influenza type B
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella
Hepatitis A
Human Papilloma Virus
Series 2 Outtakes: Fun with Melissa and Dr. Bob
Series 2 (Subscription): Text
NOTE FOR VIEWING ON MOBILE DEVICES: Only the first 8 videos in each series will load on Mobile Devices. BUT you can still load them by going to that Series Channel. Touch the "3 vertical dots" icon on the top right of first video, then touch "Visit Channel." You'll see ALL the videos in that series displayed there. Enjoy!
Series 2 (Subscription): Quote

1- Introducing Vaccines vs Disease

2- Vaccines Vs Disease: Hepatitis B

3 - Vaccines Vs Disease: Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP)

4- Vaccines Vs Disese: Haemophilus Influenza type B

5- Vaccines Vs Disease: Pneumococcus

6- Vaccines Vs Disease: Polio

7- Vaccines Vs Disease: Rotavirus

8- Vaccines Vs Disease: Influenza (Flu)

9- Vaccines Vs Disease: Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)

10- Vaccines Vs Disease: Chickenpox (Varicella)

11- Vaccines Vs Disease: Hepatitis A

12- Vaccines Vs Disease: Meningococcus

13- Vaccines Vs Disease: HPV

Series 2 Outtakes
Series 2 (Subscription): Videos
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